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Congresswoman Alma Adams

Representing the 12th District of North Carolina


Jobs and the Economy

Good jobs and a strong economy are critically important to the 12th District and to Congresswoman Adams’ work. She recognizes that small businesses and the middle class are the backbone of our economy—and they remain her primary focus.

Job creation and job training have always been priorities of Congresswoman Adams. As a member of the Education and the Workforce and the Small Business Committees, she will ensure that the 12th District feels the effects of the Nation’s economic recovery. She has cosponsored measures that promote U.S. jobs through our manufacturing industry, particular those that export goods.

Congresswoman Adams supports a simple and fair tax system that eliminates tax loopholes while cutting taxes for middle class Americans. Providing tax credits for working parents and increasing education tax credits will alleviate much of the burden faced by families. She has also supported measures to raise the minimum wage to a sustainable level because she understands that when people succeed in making a decent wage, the economy grows.

Congresswoman Adams strongly opposes any unfair trade deals that give high paying jobs manufacturing jobs to foreign countries while American families are struggling.

For more information concerning my work and views on the issues of Jobs and the Economy, please contact our office. Thank you.

See also information on Jobs and resources for Businesses.

More on Jobs and the Economy

Oct 3, 2018 Press Release

Charlotte, NC – Today, Congresswoman Alma S. Adams, Ph.D. announced the 12th District Community Career Fair. This event is a collaborative effort between Rep. Adams’ District office and over 20 Charlotte-Mecklenburg area businesses that are interested in hiring new employees. The Community Career Fair will take place next Tuesday, October 9th, from 11AM – 4PM at Walter G. Byers K-8 School (1415 Hamilton Street Charlotte, NC 28206).

Jul 23, 2018 Press Release

Washington, D.C.— Congresswoman Alma S. Adams, Ph.D. (NC-12) and House Oversight and Government Reform (OGR) Committee Ranking Member Rep. Elijah Cummings (MD-07) co-led a letter along with twenty-five Members of Congress requesting Committee Chairman Gowdy convene a hearing to examine the Trump Administration’s poor record on diversity in the federal workforce.

Jul 19, 2018 Press Release

Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Barbara Comstock (R-VA) and Congresswoman Alma S. Adams, Ph.D. (D-NC) released the following statement after they introduced the bipartisan H.R.

Jul 19, 2018 Press Release

Washington, D.C.— This week, two House subcommittees held a hearing focused on improving the certification process for Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Businesses (SDVOSBs).

Jul 18, 2018 Press Release

Washington D.C. – Rep. Adams released the following statement after being selected to serve on the House-Senate Conference Committee to work with members of the Senate to reconcile the respective farm bills and present a final version for a full vote. Rep. Adams joins 17 other House Democrats appointed by Leader Pelosi to serve on this committee.

Jul 11, 2018 Press Release

Washington, DC – Yesterday, Congresswoman Alma S. Adams (NC-12), Vice Ranking Member of the House Small Business Committee and Ranking Member of the Small Business Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight, announced that H.R.1700, the SCORE for Small Business Act of 2017, has passed the U.S. House of Representatives.


Jul 9, 2018 Press Release

Charlotte, NC — On Sunday, Congresswoman Adams visited the Southwest Key Children’s Detention Center in Brownsville, Texas. During her visit, Congresswoman Adams toured the detention center and spoke with staff to ensure that the administration is not neglecting its duty to care for the well-being of children separated from their parents due to the administration’s policy.


Jun 28, 2018 Press Release

Washington, D.C – Congresswoman Alma Adams (NC-12) released the following statement after the Supreme Court ruled against the collection of union fees for non-union public service employees, ruling it violated First amendment rights.


Jun 26, 2018 Press Release

Washington D.C.-Congresswoman Alma Adams (NC-12) released the following statement after the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 in favor of Trump’s Muslim ban.